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Best Practices for Lead Generation Forms

Quality leads are what you need to create more conversions and grow your business. But just because a visitor sees your lead generation form or the landing page it’s on, it doesn’t mean you gained him. 

Businesses use high-performing lead forms to collect valuable information about prospective consumers. They can later use this data to follow up and convert prospects into paying customers. You must change your strategy when your business uses lead gen forms but struggles to see results. Let us give you some insights and help you create those high-performance lead forms that bring quality leads. 

Keep reading to find out more about five best practices to help you attract more prospects.  

What is a lead generation form?

Lead generation forms are simple but strategic tools to acquire data and contact information from prospective customers. You can use contact forms, subscription sign-up fields, or registration boxes, among others, to turn website visitors into leads. 

The lead generation process implies using forms to capture contact info and other data from website visitors to turn them into customers in the future. You store the captured data in a CRM platform so you can later nurture that relationship, leading to the completion of the buyer’s journey. 

Why is lead generation important?

To grow your business and revenue, you must invest in lead generation, meaning reaching more people who can become interested in your products or services long enough to purchase. 

Practically, lead gen helps you increase your revenue, resulting in better business and a faster evolution and development for your company. By extension, it means satisfying your stakeholders with positive results. 

The mark of a successful campaign on lead generation for startups or other businesses is a steady inflow of visitors interested in your offer. And, because you’re just one of many working towards this goal, you must invest time and effort in marketing strategies based on lead gen.

Lead generation best practices

Let’s learn more about the benefits of lead generation forms and best practices that help you attract more customers. 

Build custom lead generation forms for each campaign

Invest some time and resources in creating a particular landing page for each lead generation campaign you run. Although recycling lead forms and landing pages for your campaigns may seem better, it’s also possible to ruin your conversion rate this way. 

Users respond better to content relevant to the lead generation examples and the campaign they clicked on. That means finding a clear intent for your landing page and aligning it with your form content. 

It’s also worth considering where you position your form on the landing page. Here are a few exciting options:

  • Right beside the landing page content – It is usually positioned above the fold, making it easier for the visitor to notice firsthand. You quickly remind visitors of the resources available after filling in the form. 
  • Within the landing page – Simple forms can be added more than once on lengthy landing pages. This way, you’re giving your audience more chances to click, fill in, and convert. 
  • Using a chatbot – Chatbots can be helpful when working with lead gen forms, not just when providing automated responses to visitors. 
  • At the end of the landing page – it gives you one last chance to capture visitor information and give your lead generation form an opportunity to take center stage. 

Focus on form design

Online form design is vital in increasing lead gen rates. Length is essential because it can convince the visitor to fill in and submit or straight out abandon your lead generation form template. 

Because users can fill them quicker, shorter forms are more likely to generate leads. On the other hand, longer lead generation forms show a more precise purchase intent because users must provide more details of their needs. 

Fill-in steps and conditional logic allow you to customize the respondent’s form experience. This way, you give visitors an idea of how quickly they can complete the form. 

Think of the lead generation form value for the user

Lead generation forms work when users get something in return after submitting them. Maybe it’s a guide, a discount, a webinar recording, or a free first item. It’s your choice, but think about how to showcase that value better. 

Because now is your best chance to convince visitors to fill out your lead generation form and submit it, you must ensure this action’s value is front and center. Here’s what you can do:

  • Point out the value just above the lead generation form,
  • Use case study information on your landing page focusing on data relevant to your visitors,
  • Preview what the visitor will get after submitting the form if possible.

Gain new leads by keeping in touch with them

A completed lead generation form shows someone is now interested in your offer. You will want to take advantage of that and turn leads into customers before your competition gets to them. 

Use automation to facilitate the process. Tools like Zapier allow you to manage the collected info in CRMs automatically. Alternatively, use the direct tool integrations 123FormBuilder provides to streamline workflows and data processes. Popular integrations include Salesforce, Hubspot, Mailchimp, and Wix

Use A/B testing

A/B testing helps you identify the most effective variations of form design. That includes which call-to-action and copy visitors would respond best to. Simply put, A/B testing helps your strategies get better lead conversion rates. 

Remember to test your lead form examples one element at a time:

  • Form length
  • CTA text
  • Form placement
  • Form questions
  • Fonts and colors.

For example, test colors first, then move on to shapes or button sizes. Avoid simultaneously testing too many variations to get more transparent results. 


Your lead generation funnel is only as good as the content of your lead form. If you still need to optimize your forms, now would be the perfect time to do so. After all, the right lead generation forms bring in high-quality leads, which, in turn, result in more sales conversions. 

Of course, think of the right audience and target your content accordingly. Keep testing to find the perfect formula for your business needs. 123FormBuilder provides you with all the tools you need to make your business story successful. 

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