Frequently Asked Questions

How to customize the template?

Customizing your In-Kind Donation Form template is effortless with our intuitive form builder. First, use the drag-and-drop interface to add or remove various form fields such as donor name, contact information, and details about the donated items. Second, you can design every aspect of the form’s appearance, allowing you to seamlessly adjust colors, fonts, and layouts to match your organization’s branding. Furthermore, you can enhance the design by importing your own CSS stylesheet or directly editing the code within the form designer. Once satisfied with the customization, you can save the design as a reusable template for future campaigns, ensuring consistency and saving valuable time.

How to publish the template?

Navigate to the Publish section to choose from our various sharing options. You can generate an incorporable form link or embed code directly from the platform. You can also share this link via social media, making it accessible to potential donors wherever they are.

How can I collect & manage data?

Our platform is secure and efficient in collecting and managing donor information. All submissions through your In-Kind Donation Form are collected online and stored in a centralized, secure database. You can access this data anytime to view, filter, export, or edit entries as required. To keep you informed, set up email notifications that alert you immediately whenever a new donation is submitted. Additionally, our form builder offers seamless integration with various other apps and CRM systems, allowing you to synchronize and manage your donor data across multiple platforms effortlessly.

How can I optimize processes?

You can generate insightful visual reports to analyze donation patterns and make data-driven decisions for future initiatives. By leveraging these tools and saving customized forms as reusable templates, you streamline your workflow and enhance the efficiency of your organization’s fundraising efforts.

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